A Hopi Elder Speaks
Above and below
Abuelito Fuego
Acalanto (Wiegenlied)
Adi Shakti
Agni, Hüter des Feuers
Agua de estrellas (Sternenwasser)
Aham Prema
Alchemie des Herzens
All I ask of you
Alle guten Gaben
Alle meine Tiere
Amma Amma Taye
Amma, Amma, Amma Jai Ma
Ancestor Cave
Ancient Voices
And the Love
And the more that I give
Angel heart
Angels of Healing
Ani Couni
Anusara Invocation
Aqui na Terra
Arbolito divino
Auf dem Weg den ich geh
Awaken in me
Ayahuasca Ayni
Ayahuasca Takimuyki
E Malama Ika Heyo
Earth my body
En este fuego (Pacha Mama)
Endless Boundless Gratitude
Erde die uns dies gebracht
Es gab eine Zeit
Evening rise, spirit comes
Ganesha Sharanam
Gate Gate Paragate (Herz Sutra)
Gathering the flowers
Gayatri Mantra
Gitarren Akkorde
Give thanks to the Mother Gaia
Gopala Gopala
Govinda Gopala
Govinda Govinda Gopala
Govinda narajana
Great mother is calling
Große Mutter
Guidance and blessings
Guide me
Guided and protected
Guru Bramha, Guru Vishnu
Hanuman Bolo
Hau Pacha Mama
He Krishna Karuna Sindho
He´s got the whole world
Heal this Land
Heart of the Mother
Hearts Mystery
Heavenly Father
Here on this Earth
Hey Ganga Ma
Hey Niketi Hey Wana
Hey Shiva Shankara
Heyo erkenne deine Kraft
Higher than the mountains
Hihanni Waste
Hola Mamacita Abuelita
Holy Jesus, holy Babaji
Home is where my heart is
Hopi Sun Prayer
How could anyone ever tell you
Humble me
I am here
I am the light of the world
I am the sun / So ham
I am who I am
I choose to live in love
I find my joy in the simple things
I hear the silence calling me
I just close my eyes
I release control
I sink in the loving presence
I want to sing
I´ve got peace like a river
Ich bin der Fluss
Ich bin ein Einhorn
Ich öffne mich
Ich ruf den Stern
Ich sag Aho
Ich schließe Frieden
Ich wünsch dir tiefen Frieden
Ide were were
If you want to be free
In diesem Raum
In the end of days
In the heart of my heart
In the still of the night
Invisible indivisible
Israel Song
It will find you whereever you are
Jagadambe Ma Jai Jai Ma
Jah Rastafarei
Jai Bajaranga Bali
Jai Ma - Mother of Creation
Jai Maha Lakshmi
Jai Mata Kali
Jai Radhe, Jai Radhe Gopal
Jai Sita Ram Hanuman
Jai Sri Ma
Jam dasi dü
Javo Mikael
Jay Ganesha
Jay Jay Shiva Om
Jay Shiva Shankara
Jaya Ganesha
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jagadambe
Jeden Morgen und jeden Tag
Jetzt beginnt unsere gemeinsame Zeit
Jewel in the Lotus Flower
Madre Cunaq
Maha Mantra
Mama Papa Love
Mantra an die göttliche Mutter
Mash Allah
Master plan
May I be a healing Medicine
May the circle be open
May the love we´re sharing
Meine Füße fest auf Mutter Erde
Message from White Eagle
Mit dem Herzen im Sein
Mitakuye Oyasin - Grandmother
Mitakuye Oyasin - Pacha Mama
Moon´s Song
Mother I feel you under my feet
Mother I want you to know
Music of silence
Neesa Neesa Neesa
New days dawn
Night mantra
Noku mana
O Mama Kumama si o le
O Mamala Hoe
Oh the Bounty
Ohne Deine Geschichte
Old tree
Oles Lied
Om Asatoma
Om Eim Saraswataye Namaha
Om gam gam gam
Om Ganesha Om Ganapati
Om Hari Om
Om Hrim Namah Shivaya
Om Jesu
Om maha gam ganapataye
Om Mani Padme Om
Om Mata, Om Kali
Om Namah shivaya
Om namah shivaya gurudev
Om Namoh Amitabaya
Om Namoh Bhagavate Vasudevaya
Om Namoh Lakshmi
Om Namoh Shivago
Om Purnam Adah
Om Saha Navavatu
Om Sri Laksmi
Om Sri Maha Lakshmi
Om Tare Tuttare
One heart at a time
Ong Namoh Gurudev Namoh
Open the doors of your heart
Queen of peace
Samba Sadha Shiva
Samuels Gute Nacht Lied
Sat Sangatve
See me beautiful
Shantideva Prayer for Humanity
Shine my love
Shiva om shiva om
Shiva Shambo
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambo
Sing for me my little bird
Sing let me sing
Sirenita Bobinsana
Sita Ram
So Ham Shivoham
Something inside me
Sou Beija Flor
Sri Krishna Govinda Hare Murali
Sri Radhe Radhe Radhe
Step by Step
Step into the Flow
Stillness in Motion
Suddhosi Buddhosi (Forever Pure)
Sungazing Song
Take me away, won´t you carry me
Tall trees, Deep waters
Taoist Sunrise Prayer
Te y quiero tanto
Teyata Om
Thank you for the food
The eight lessons of the humming bird
The Five Percepts
The Gift
The Lakota Sioux Prayer
The Moon´s Song
The ocean is the beginning of the earth
The ocean refuses no river
The power of love is here now
The river is flowing
The song you´d forgotten to sing
The Three Refuges
The Way is Simple
These mountains tall
This is how we pray
This is the day
This little light of mine
Three little birds
Tief in mir bin ich Kraft
To the east
Tripura Sundari
Trommel mein Herz
Tumi Bhajare Mana
Venga Medicina
Verbunden im Erkunden
Vertrau dir mein Kind
Vuela con el viento
Wahe Guru
Wakantanka Tunkashila
Wann werden wir verstehen?
Warriors of Light
Was ist ein Krieger des Lichts?
Water blessing Song
We make ourselves an offering
We all come from the Goddess
We are as God created us
We are circeling
We are created by the sound
We are one in harmony
We are one under the sun
We are opening up in sweet surrender
We come
We shall lift each other up
We shall overcome
Welcome my friend
When I rise
When Jah Jah is standing by my side
When the rain falls
When thy song flows through me
Wichi tai tuja
Wie das Leben kommt und geht
Wir gehen und gehen
Yakumama Sachamama
Yesterday is history
You are so beautiful